DeYoung Restless and Reformed
Why Do the New Calvinists Insist on Complamentarianism? by Kevin De Young
Old & New Calvinist Complamentarianism vs. Calvinist Egalitarianism or in laymen's terms: Should women be ordained to teach and preach?
Institute for Nouthetic Studies Blog
Controversy in the New Testament by Jay Adams
Jay Adams shows from the New Testament that we should be steadfast in defending truth and rooting out false doctrine.
Your Suffering Does Not Just Belong to You by Tim Challies
Tim Challies' comments on Ligon Duncan's new book Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?
Reformation Theology
The Vital Necessity of Knowing the Power of Truth in Our Own Experience by John Owen
Excerpt from John Owen's Vindicae Evangelicae showing Christians how to refute those with theological errors while having a humble spirit.
Ligonier Blog
Christians and Government by R.C. Sproul
Taken from the book Now That's A Good Question, R.C. answers the question about the Christian's submission to government authorities.
Why Do the New Calvinists Insist on Complamentarianism? by Kevin De Young
Old & New Calvinist Complamentarianism vs. Calvinist Egalitarianism or in laymen's terms: Should women be ordained to teach and preach?
Institute for Nouthetic Studies Blog
Controversy in the New Testament by Jay Adams
Jay Adams shows from the New Testament that we should be steadfast in defending truth and rooting out false doctrine.
Your Suffering Does Not Just Belong to You by Tim Challies
Tim Challies' comments on Ligon Duncan's new book Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?
Reformation Theology
The Vital Necessity of Knowing the Power of Truth in Our Own Experience by John Owen
Excerpt from John Owen's Vindicae Evangelicae showing Christians how to refute those with theological errors while having a humble spirit.
Ligonier Blog
Christians and Government by R.C. Sproul
Taken from the book Now That's A Good Question, R.C. answers the question about the Christian's submission to government authorities.
"Fighting Mad" or other items of interest
Pulpit Magazine
Inward, Upward, or Outward? by John MacArthur
The church's one purpose is to glorify God by seeking and saving those that are lost.
Dr. Mohler's Blog
The Governor, a King, and the Trajedy of Adultery by Al Mohler
Dr. Mohler's commentary on the Mark Sanford situation.
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