Dr. Mohler's Blog
Time to Separate Church and Sports? by Al Mohler
Dr. Mohler comments on the article written by Sam Cook and the book by U.S. Today's Tom Krattenmaker criticizing Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow's and other Christian athletes' exclusive Gospel message.
DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed
Reaching the Next Generation is Harder and Easier Than You Think: Grab Them With Passion by Kevin DeYoung
Kevin explains how to reach the next generation for Christ.
Our Passion for God's Glory by Phil Johnson
Our passion should be for God's glory rather than for the fleeting things of this world.
Ligonier Blog
Exercising Your Power of Choice by R.C. Sproul
Dr. Sproul examines free will.
The Condemned King: Mark 15 and the Doctrine of Penal Substitution by Martin Downes
Martin Downes on the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ.
"FIGHTING MAD" or other articles of interest
Possessing the Treasure
Self-Righteousness and Accusing the Brethren by Mike Ratliff
Standing for the truth of God's Word and not compromising.
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